
today enjoyG


T- Turkey Trot!- I’m starting my morning with friends and family doing the 5 mile town Turkey Trot. Choose an activity, take a walk, let this set a great start to your day physically and mentally.



H- Have a plan! – Take all that you have learned, trust the process and make a plan for your day.


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A- Ask for help!- Ask for help in your home or where you are going. Ask about the menu, what will be there, and ask to have some things there that will help you. If they are not there, make them and bring them yourself.


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N- Never stand or sit right by all the food- take a small plate and move away from all of the plates of chips, dips, etc. Move away and visit, meet new people, play a game, take a walk with everyone in between dinner and dessert, etc. Create new traditions.

K- Keep in mind that this is just one day…a Holiday, not a holiweek or holimonth- Take the food off of the pedestal, put it on your plate and enjoy every choice you made with your eyes wide open. Ask yourself if it is worth it, and then embrace your decision and truly enjoy. Mindful eating.


S- Share the leftovers, pack them up and make your spaces powerful once again- Send everyone home with the leftovers. At the end of the holiday, ask yourself if your home is now back to being a “Sanctuary of Safety” or a “Tower of Temptation”.

tower of terror

G- Gratitude is the best attitude!- Be grateful for this day, the people around you, how far you have come. You may not be where you want to be, but you can look back and thank God that you are not where you used to be. Give yourself grace. God says, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14)…right now, as you are. Know that!


I- Invest time in the relationships- Get to know something you never knew about your friends, family. Go deeper in your relationships. Remember…. food is only the side dish, the main dish is the company we keep.


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V- Victories need to be celebrated!- be empowered by every little great choice you make this day. Don’t beat yourself up. One great choice at a time.

choicesJPGface it.

I-Intentional – Be intentional in all of your choices and decisions today. Don’t focus on what you can’t do…focus on what you CAN do!

can do

N-Never forget all the reasons you are on this journey of health and fitness. Remember why you are fighting for this. Don’t keep exchanging what you want most, for what you want in the moment.

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G- Go home grateful for this day, ready to Get back on track at your very next meal!
You can do this! Choose faith instead of fear. Plan the day you want to have and……believe!

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Wishing you a Thanksgiving FILLED with blessings!!!!!! Wendy Trunz xo
